
Saturday 5 July 2014

Eternal Father, Please Answer Our Prayers!

Almighty God, please help Miss Chao to feel better because she has a sore throat, Can you please look after me because I have a headache. Help her to be strong. Please look after my friends, my grandma and my families whom are in the Philippines. Help me in my studies and everything that I do at school. Help my friends to stop getting distracted from noises and actions. Look after my family at home, especially my dad and my mum because they work hard to earn money for us. Please look after my brother and my baby sister, while they are at school during the week. Can you also help the people in Africa so that they have something to eat and people in hospitals that have serious diseases, like cancer? Thank you God for everything. Thank you from keeping us safe through the scary days and the dangerous times. Thank you for watching over us all the time. Thank you for the birds that chirp throughout the day, the roosters that wakes us up in the morning. Thank you God for all the things you have done for us.

WALT write a personal prayer.
I know this when I write 13 sentences in my own words to express how I feel.


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