
Friday 8 August 2014

Would You Want To Play With The Olden Days Rugby Balls?

In 1880's, rugby balls were made out of pig's bladder and leather, and was inflated with your mouth.

They covered ball with leather then placed an outside layer with rubber. The Rugby ball is rubber, so that the people who are using them will have more grip. They finally filled it with air, so it doesn't smell bad.


Present                                                              Past

WALT form an opinion about the text and inferences from the text to answer questions.
I know this when use the information from the book to answer the questions correctly.

Kevin, this needs to be proofread, there are a couple of words missing, please check with me before you publish this again.


Miss K said...

Hi Kevin, Would you like to play rugby with a ball made from a pig's bladder? Do you think it would be easier or harder to play with? My grandfather used to have one at his house and remember playing with it. The ball got heavy with mud and water very quickly.
Thanks for sharing your learning about historic rugby balls - perhaps you could find out about the equipment people used to use in other sports like netball, tennis or swimming.
Miss King - Pt England School

Khismira Lal said...

Hello Kevin
How interesting, I certainly would not want to play with a rugby ball of the 1880"s. It does not look very appealing. I prefer the adidas rugby ball and think it would last longer and feel nicer. What would you choose?

Ms Eadie said...

Hi Kevin liked your blog on olden day rugby balls. I would not like to play with these balls as I love pigs and the thought of a ball made out of pigs bladder makes me squirm. Although they probably lasted a lot longer than some of the cheap ones you can buy today.

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