
Saturday 12 April 2014

Swirl, Stars, Swirl!

The galaxy is a massive, gravitational system having billions of stars. Also alive in space far away from the Earth. The Earth’s galaxy is the Milky Way.

Out in the galaxy are forms of a stars. When a star gets bigger and bigger it blows up and forms into a large swarming galaxy with over 2 billion stars.

Most galaxies have been around more than 45 billion years. When a galaxy dies and explodes, there may be be a chance that there will be a huge explosion in deep space. The explosion might create a huge Black Hole, in outer space.

Black Holes can suck anything or near it and coming its way. That’s why if astronomers and scientists wanted to get more knowledge about a black hole, they use a robot or a machine that will take picture and videos.

The good thing about a galaxy is people can understand more about stars and about what is beyond Earth our planet.


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