Boom, Bang, Bop There Goes The Billy-Ba
In a magical world of twisty, roads, and loopy hills lived 2 Wiggies. Wiggies were the name of the people that lived in Willy Land. The first Wiggy were named Wiggy 1 & Wiggy 2.
Both shared one truck filled with all their favourite things, but the one thing that they loved most was the Billy-Ba. The Billy-Ba, is a trophy that they both worked together to win. in the Willy Olympics. They won it by eating the most hot dogs in 1 minute. They ate 999 hot dogs, the recent record was 997, they were so fortunate to win just by 2 hot dogs.
One same magical day, the 2 Wiggies went on a road trip over the loopy hills and on the twisty road. Where they're going will be a place you’ll never believe. A place full of...
laughter, fun, joy and all the positive things you could think of. Wiggy 1 and Wiggy 2 were so happy they’d reached their place of cuddles. Both had so much fun playing, on the wiggity swings, and the bangity sea saws. Night was hovering in, it was time to go home. They packed their possessions and belongings up and jumped into their truck.
On their way home they went face to face with bumpy bridge. They heard legends about this bridge. Wiggy 1 said to Wiggy 2 “Legends say that whoever puts a single step on the bridge will be launched into the air and fall to the Zigzag river”. They were so scared that they wanted to cross the bridge in a hurry, so Wiggy 1 pushed on the accelerator and went on full speed. A split second later they didn’t see a big, tall, steel pole, so they headed straight for it. Boom, Bang, Bop there goes the Billy-Ba.
The Wiggie’s trophy flew out of the window and fell into the river. “Noooooooo” said the wiggies. Wiggy 1 and 2 were so heartbroken and went home with tears flooding their truck.
When they got to their house, their faces were so red from crying and inside their feelings were so blue. Wiggy 1 and Wiggy 2 couldn’t get over it. The Billy-Ba again was never found again.