
Friday, 29 March 2013

My Very Own Digital Footprint

We have been learning to blog post and to put private or not private into the internet.And to show what we want to be in 10 years time.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

My Incredible Blog Post

Bom Dia. My name is Kevin. I have 3 fish pets named Asteroid, Angel and Bubbles Two. My favourite subject at my school is Golden time and Reading because i’m in Moro and Moro is the name of Mrs- Richardson dog (Teacher).
My favourite food is takeaway fish and chips.
In room 5 I learn to do maths and we are lucky because we are using our own netbooks. I like to do things outside school, like playing soccer on the the field and playing tag around the school. My goal is to log on fast into my account. In the netbooks I like to look at the week roster and to go to cyber smart.